Organization of activities for the 18th IOPD Conference
Do you want to popose a discussion pannel or a workshop for the conference? Fill in this form and we will consider your proposal.

Modalities of activities available:

- ROUNDTABLE: They are activities aimed at a group of between 100 and 200 people, depending on the room. You will have to specify in the description whether you want to organize a debate or a presentation of experiences. We will accept up to five speakers plus the moderator. In total, at least 50% of them must be women. Also, we will provide a simultaneous translation to up to three languages.

- STANDARD WORKSHOP: It has a capacity of up to 20 people and it will be held in one language. At least 50% of the workshop leaders must be women.

- BIG WORKSHOP: It has a capacity of up to 60 people and it can be held in up to 4 languages. At least 50% of the workshop leaders must be women. It will take place in an open room equipped with working tables for each of the languages.In the description you must propose a person to lead the workshop in each language.

All activities will have a duration of one hour or one and a half hours. Also, the organizers of the activity will have to bear its costs.
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¿Which activity do you want to propose? *
Working title *
Name and position of the person in charge of the proposal *
E-Mail *
¿In which topic does your proposal fit? *
Description (approach, language/s and possible speakers) *
¿Do you want to ask us something or do you have a proposal which doesn't fit any modality? We are glad to hear from you!
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